Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Starting something new....

So I have decided since I do not really have anything exciting to blog about I'm going to start the ABC's of myself. A friend of mine did this and I have enjoyed it.

Before I start the ABC's, I do want to share something pretty flippin' sweet. Dustin and I are getting tickets to the X-Fighters, for those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. These 12 AWESOME dirtbike riders go all around the world and do sick killer tricks and fun stuff. It's in June and let me tell you I am PUMPED!! These guys make me so nervous I want to vomit but I don't mind watching because I'm not having to drive them to the hospital.

On with the Alphabet....


Answers-I always want the answers to everything. I can't stand when I have a question with no answer. The Lord is still teaching me in this area of my life, seriously it's been a process. I know I will never get all the awswers but I'm thankful for the lesson the Lord is teaching me.

Attitude-This is something I have WAY to much of. I have been working on it very hard but it is not something that comes overnight, for sure. Also I was an only child so learning to live with Dustin has been an adventure, ha. You never have to share anything then -BOOM- you have to share EVERYTHING. I got an attitude alot at first, it's better but a ways to go.

American Idol-I have really got into this show this season, Dustin used to be the one who always had to watch but now it's me. The beginning, when they do the auditions is hilarious, but once they get into their "own" performer I really enjoy it. I was attatched to some contestants because of their stories and I got lost in really listening to them. When I opened my ears, my mind changed about it. Like I said this is my first year to really be attached but MAN o MAN all of them are SO good. I'm really glad Allison is left, you rock on Girl!

This alphabet thing might not be very entertaining but stick around it could get better. Have a blessed day!


  1. hehe....you have an attitude?

  2. Love reading the ABC's of Ashten! Can't wait for the American Idol finale next week, too bad Allison was booted! :(
