Monday, April 6, 2009


This weekend was pretty relaxing for the most part and I loved it. My poor husband had to work ALL weekend and he missed church, bummer. I was pretty ticked at his company but what do you do? I mean I could raise alot of heck and make a scene but I didn't, he might not ever speak to me again.

My wonderful niece Zay came to visit us this weekend and we had SO much fun. She is growning up so fast and I can't believe it. I mean I can't imagine having children and them growing up that fast and being so smart and talking up a storm. She kept asking if my new friends were coming back this weekend, she was referring to Jack and Ty, they had been over 2 weekends before. She wasn't too sure about them at first when she met them but apparently she liked them. She informed this weekend that sometimes she has to be shy, HA. I mean how could you not love those boys, they are great! Also while she was here my best friend Salvador had come over to eat dinner with us. Zay took a liking to him which is unusual because she "acts shy" around people most of the time. Well they became besties very quick. We decided to teach her to say "SALVADOR"....this was a memorable moment. At first it was uncle Sa-uer(sour), that was good enough at first. Then all the sudden Salvador rolls off her tounge like shes been saying if for years. Then she changes it up a bit....

Let me set up the scene...She's "swimming" in the bath tub after she has shot Sal and I with all the water guns in the tub. Which she was told to stop to doing, so she began to swim. Then out of nowhere she pops up from her olympic swimming race and says, drum roll, SalvaDORK. She laughed at herself forever I think, I couldn't tell because I was laughing to hard. It was like this light was turned on and she was thrilled. So it has become a joke now, might not be funny to you but if you were there, it would be. Also she talked me (has me around her finger) into watching The Lion King twice this weekend, I'm still singing Hakuna Mattata. I need that song today, seriously. People are pushing every button that is possible to push.

Anyway I am just going on now, church was good this Sunday, just so you know. I love the Lord so much and I wish everyone loved Him just as much. Man He is so good! Well have a good day and please keep us in your prayers, we need it right now.

Be Blessed.


  1. i love how you "set up the scene" that was hilarious....where do y'all go to church? i was wondering the other day and had no clue...

  2. you need some more people to comment on your blog!!! jk. so Southside?! my aunt and uncle and their 3 girls have gone there for a decade even. if you know the Flatt family that would be them. that's pretty cool y'all go there...we switch off btwn highland and beltway.

  3. well what i did was blog stalk...basically i looked at friends of friends...left a comment saying..."yo it's jd" and then they know you have a blog. and then all of mitch's family already knew mine...and then i forced my friends to do it too so i wouldn't be by myself. I have Danielle's link on my page...and Hannah Vickers...and those are all i know you know. and that's what i like about blogging is that you can't randomly have some crazy person find your site...someone basically has to know it exists before others look at it.
